Dear Potential Sponsor,

 Ascend Freedom Fitness Ministries is a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to seeing people in our community transformed by LOVE!

Our mission is to introduce people to the freedom available to them in Jesus Christ using a multidimensional approach to wellness through programs that incorporate physical fitness, mental health interventions, and spiritual growth. 

 Our vision is to reclaim fitness, wellness and mental health in our community to God’s original design and purpose.

Come Together Move Our Bodies In the Power of Prayer (2) copy 3.png

The PRAY 5K is an annual event we hold on the National Day of Prayer where we are dedicated to partner with others who have a passion to step where God is stepping and to move where God is moving. We believe God made our bodies to be fully alive and whole to move in purpose and intention as we partner with him in his larger story. We will be spiritually, mentally, and physically covering the community of Gillette in prayer under the common purpose of ASKING GOD TO MOVE over our nation, our families/friends, and our communities.

Along with helping offset the financial costs of the Pray 5K, your donations will go to many of Ascends other programs including our general class fund, outdoor adventure programs, and wellness programs.

Due to the financial support of amazing business sponsors and donors all of our classes and many of our adventure programs are free of charge to our community! With your help and support we can continue to meet the needs of our community! For further questions please contact Kaite @ 307-680-2435. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us as we believe God has big things planned for the Community of Gillette through HIS plan of wellness!!

Sincerely grateful, Ascend Freedom Fitness Ministries Inc.


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from $750.00
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