We are each made up of a combination of things: emotions, memories, successes. It’s often those things that bring people to massage; emotions that are heavy and stressful. Memories that our muscles remember long after our mind forgets, and the successes we tirelessly work towards. Similarly, this massage room is made up of pieces of my life; people that have loved me unconditionally and encouraged me without measure. This is a “thanks,” and a tribute that none of us exist alone; we exist to propel each other forward and support each other at all times in life. This cabinet was my moms. It was in her room the first 25 years of my life. If anyone has shown me grace and Godly love, it is her. These flowers were in my son’s nursery; and the first decoration I bought for his homecoming This sign is handmade by my friend @camila.mtjo who has remained my friend through silent hard years. This wooden box is handmade by my dad, who expresses love through acts of service and working with his hands. This blanket is hand-sewn by my best friend and sister, Randa when we told her about our adoption This blanket is a gift from my dear @cindyjrichardson , who would become my Texas-Mama and Huni to my son This painting was hand painted by my best friend, @jennymcraft while we were roommates in college. She was my saving grace when she came into my life unexpectedly. She showed me the power of faithful friendship and courage. Her memory and love lives on. This lamp is from my bold friend, @katmarie7 who encourages and believes in me without question I doubt any of these people knew the impact they made when they gave me these items- most between 5-10 years ago. Let me invite you into my massage space. May you experience peace and be awakened to the fact that you are a monumental piece in someone’s life.

Therefore, encourage one another, and build up one another, just as you also are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32



(720) 481-8733