Join us on March 12th for a fun and exciting cross country ski invite! Whether you are an avid cross-country skier or this is your first time, this will be a great opportunity to move together and connect with God's this winter season.

Here is the skinny on the Cross-Country Ski Trip

  1. During this cross-country ski invite you will be guided by Tara Reed, Ascend Freedom Fitness instructor on Pole Creek X Country Ski Trail trail in the Big Horn Mountains. Directions: Go up highway 16 in the Big Horn Mountains. The trail head is on the right hand side of the road approximately 5 miles north of Sourdough road. There is a large parking lot there to park your cars. Look for the ASCEND sign to find us!

  2. The trail we have chosen is approximately 3-4 miles long and is appropriate for most active people. We do not recommend you bring young children as it might be quite challenging for them, however teenage years would fit appropriately.

  3. Anybody interested in joining us for this cross country invite is required to bring their own cross-country skis. If you do not have skis, the Sports Lure in Buffalo Wyoming has them for rent for approximately $15 per day. If you will be renting from the Sports Lure, please call them ahead of time to reserve your skis for the day. All skis can be picked up by 8 a.m. in the morning on the day of our ski invite, March 12th. Limited quantities available. (307) 684-7682

  4. Transportation will need to be completed by you.

  5. We will start to venture out onto the trail at approximately 10 a.m. as a group.

  6. During our adventure, Tara will be leading you on some really powerful intentions to connect your heart to God during your ski trip breaks!

  7. Once we return to the trailhead we will be having hot chocolate, roasted hot dogs by a fire, chips, and great fun and fellowship! (Food provided by Ascend Freedom Fitness)

  8. If you are interested in joining us please register on Vagaro. Limited space is available, only 20 spaces. Please make sure you call Sports Lure ASAP if you need skis to insure there are still some available.

  9. This trip is free of charge. If you feel lead to give a love offering to this ministry there will be a donation box at the trailhead and/or you can donate online:

A couple reminders: 

  1. Dress in layers. It's better to be warmer and shed layers versus being cold the entire time.

  2. Pack a camel pack of water or a way to carry your own water while on the trail.

  3. It might be wise to bring a little snack for the trail. I am guessing it will take approximately 2 hours.

Any questions please feel free to to call the Life Center for Details: 307-682-5433

The link below will take you to Vagaro. Search for March 12th in the class calendar to get signed up!